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  • Sung J, Ahn KT, Cho BR, Lee SY, Kim BJ, Kim DK, Park JI, Lee WS. Adherence to triple-component antihypertensive regimens is higher with single-pill than equivalent two-pill regimens: A randomized controlled trial. Adherence to triple-component antihypertensive regimens is higher with single-pill than equivalent two-pill regimens: A randomized controlled trial. Clin Transl Sci. 2021 May;14(3):1185-1192.
  • Oh JS, Lee CH, Park JI, Park HK, Hwang JK. Hypertension-Mediated Organ Damage and Long-term Cardiovascular Outcomes in Asian Hypertensive Patients without Prior Cardiovascular Disease J Korean Med Sci. 2020 Dec 14;35(48):e400
  • Oh JK, Park JH, Hwang JK, Lee CH, Park JS, Park JI, Park HK, Cho JS, Seo BS, Seong SW, Sun BJ, Lee JH, Seong IW. Long-term Survival in Korean Elderly Patients with Symptomatic Severe Aortic Stenosis Who Refused Aortic Valve Replacement. Korean Circ J. 2019 Feb;49(2):160-169
  • Yang YJ, Lee SH, Kim BS, Cho YK, Cho HJ, Cho KI, Kim SY, Ryu JK, Cho JM, Park JI, Park JS, Park CG, Chun WJ, Kim MA, Jin DK, Lee N, Kim BJ, Koh KK, Suh J, Lee SH, Lee BK, Oh SJ, Jin HY, Ahn Y, Lee SG, Bae JH, Park WJ, Lee SC, Lee HC, Lee J, Park C, Lee B, Jang Y. Combination Therapy of Rosuvastatin and Ezetimibe in Patients with High Cardiovascular Risk.Clin Ther. 2017 Jan;39(1):107-117.
  • Cowling RT, Park JI, Sotimehin AE, Greenberg BH. Ascorbate starvation alters endoplasmic reticulum-resident enzymes in cardiac fibroblasts, priming them for increased procollagen secretion Cowling RT, Park JI, Sotimehin AE, Greenberg BH. J Mol Cell Cardiol. 2017 Dec;113:1-8.
  • Sohn IS, Kim CJ, Ahn T, Youn HJ, Jeon HK, Ihm SH, Cho EJ, Chung WB, Chae SC, Kim WS, Nam CW, Park SM, Choi JY, Kim YK, Hong TJ, Lee HY, Cho JH, Shin ES, Yoon JH, Yang TH, Jeong MH, Lee JH, Park JI. Efficacy and Tolerability of Combination Therapy Versus Monotherapy with Candesartan and/or Amlodipine for Dose Finding in Essential Hypertension: A Phase II Multicenter, Randomized, Double-blind Clinical Trial. Clin Ther. 2017 Aug;39(8):1628-1638
  • Joong-Il Park, So-Young Shin; Sue K Park; Elizabeth Barrett-Connor. Usefulness of the Integrated Scoring Model of Treadmill Tests to Predict Myocardial Ischemia and Silent Myocardial Ischemia in Community-Dwelling Adults (From the Rancho Bernardo Study). Am J Cardiol. 2015 Apr 15;115(8):1049-55.
  • So-Young Shin, Joong-Il Park, Sue K Park, Elizabeth Barrett-Connor. Utility of Graded Exercise Tolerance Tests for Prediction of Cardiovascular Mortality in Old Age: The Rancho Bernardo Study. Int J Cardiol. 2015 Feb 15;181:323-7.
  • Randy T. Cowling, Seon Ju Yeo, In Jai Kim, Joong-Il Park, Yusu Gu, Nancy D. Dalton, Kirk L. Peterson,and Barry H. Greenberg. Discoidin domain receptor 2 germline gene deletion leads to altered heart structure and function in the mouse. Am J Physiol Heart Circ Physiol 2014; 307: H773–H78.
  • Jin-Oh Choi 1, Soo-Hyeon Yun, Kiick Sung, Young Tak Lee, Joong-Il Park, Eun-Seon Ju, Sang-Chol Lee, Seung Woo Park, Duk-Kyung Kim, Jae K Oh, Eun-Seok Jeon. Thioredoxin, adiponectin and clinical course of acute fulminant myocarditis. Heart. 2011 Jul;97(13):1067-73
  • HJ Lee, Joong-Il Park*, BH Lim, JW Seo, EM Kang, BU Lee, UJ Kim. .Left Ventricular Metastasis of Renal Cell Carcinoma Causing Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction. Korean Circ J. 2010 Aug;40(8):410-3.
  • SY Kim, YJ Jung, HS Kim, JH Kim, Joong-Il Park*. Acute heart failure as an initial presentation in systemic lupus erythematosus. Korean J Med, 2010.xxx-xxx
  • HG Park, WH Park, DG Song, TG Kim, BY Min, K Lee, Joong-Il Park*. Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy Attributed to Adult Myotonic Dystrophy. Korean Circ J 2009;39:340-42
  • WH Park, SY Kim, HG Park, DG Song, TG Kim, BY Min, Joong-Il Park*. Carotid sinus syncope in an elderly patient with unexplained syncope. Korean Circ J. 2008; 38:561-563.
  • Park JW, Kim JH, Park HK, Lee K, Joong-Il Park*. Selective baroreflex failure complicated by unilateral neck irradiation. Int J Cardiol 2007;115:115-117
  • Joong-Il Park*, Kim YH, Park CB, Park HK, Lee K. Isolated double-chambered right ventricle presenting in adulthood. Int J Cardiol 2007; 121: e 25-27.
  • Choi JS, Hwang EN, Kim YH, Jung YJ, Kim HJ, Nam SH, Joong-Il Park*. Improvement after thalidomide and dexamethasone treatment for advanced cardiac amyloidosis: a case report. Circ J 2007 Nov;71(11):1823-5.
  • YH Kim, EN Hwang, YJ Jung, K Lee, HK Park, CB Park, Joong-Il Park*. Infective endocarditis with isolated double chambers of the right ventricle during adulthood. Korean Circ J. 2007; 37:173-179.
  • YJ Choi, CW You, MK Park, Joong-Il Park, SU Kwon, SC Lee, at al. Spontaneous closure of iatrogenic coronary artery fistula to left ventricle after septal myectomy for HCMP. J Korean Med Sci.2006; 21:1111-1114 Joong-Il Park, YJ Choi, JH Choi, JH Byun, DK Kim. hVEGF121 transfection and animal model for in vivo angiogenesis. Korean J Med .2006;70:288-297.
  • Joong-Il Park, SU Kwon, SW Kim, SH Lim, SW Park, SH Lee, ES Jeon. Thrombolysis in obstructed prosthetic tricuspid valve: Importance of anticoagulation adherence and the site of prosthetic valve. Korean Circ J.2006; 36:162-163.
  • DK Cho, SU Kwon, SW Kim, Joong-Il Park, SH Lim, SJ Lim, at al. Risk factors and predictors for the progression of carotid atherosclerotic stenosis in Korean adults. Korean Circ J.2005; 35:834-840.
  • Joong-Il Park, Eun-Seok Jeon. mechanical circulatory supports in the treatment of fulminant myocarditis. Korean Circ J.2005; 35.563-572.
  • Kim HJ, Shin YJ, Joong-Il Park, Byun JH, Kim DI, Do YS, Kim JM, Kim SY, Kim BM, Kim WB, Kim DK. Vascular endothelial growth factor-induced angiogenic gene therapy in patients with peripheral artery disease. Exp Mol Med 2004;36(4):226-344
  • JK Kim, JS Kim, Joong-Il Park, KC Kim, JH Oh, HC Gwon, at al. Heart Rate Variability in Stable Angina Patients without History of Myocardial Infarction. Korean Circ J 2001;31:484-491
  • Joong-Il Park, HY Gwon, JK Kim, JY Oh, MH Kwak, SY Lee, at al. Dose-Dependent Effect of Benidipine in Patients with Mild-Moderate Hypertension. Korean Circ J 2000;30:586-591
  • SU Kwon, DK Kim, JH Kim, Joong-Il Park, MH Kwak, at al. Association of Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Gene Polymorphism and Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Activity in Korean Patients with Coronary Artery Disease. Korean Circ J 2000;30:1350-1356

Published Abstracts in International Conference (since 2004)

  • Joong-Il Park, et al. Diastolic Dysfunction in Echocardiography is associated with Abnormal Heart Rate Recovery after Treadmill Test. Echo Hawaii. 2014
  • Joong-Il Park*, Diagnostic Relevance of Carotid Sinus Syncope by Carotid Sinus Massage in the Korean Elderly Patients; Is It Really Rare Disease Entity in Korean Population? Circulation J 2010
  • SJ. Ahn, SY. Jang, Joong-Il Park, SY. Park, SJ. Park, JH. Cho, et al. Economic status and cardiovascular risk factors in rapidly developing country: Comparison between 1998 and 2005 in South Korea. ESC 2009.
  • Joong-Il Park*. Proteinuria in the elderly hypertensive patients previous exposed to Agent Orange. Circulation J 2009.
  • Joong-Il Park*, CB Park, HK Park, K Lee. The Metabolic syndrome in hypertensive patients previous exposed to Agent Orange. Circulation J 2008.
  • Joong-Il Park*, KI Sung, YT Lee, BK Lim, CO Gil, JO Shin, et al. Cytokines as predictors of clinical outcomes in patients with fulminant coxsackieviral myocarditis. Circulation J 2006.
  • Joong-Il Park*, DK Cho, SH Lim, SJ Kim, SJ Lim, SU Kwon, et al. Echocardiographic and cinical chracteristic of CT detected right ventricular fat infiltration in healthy people. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 2005;


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